

可以使用R将与通过应用C + T PRS方法(例如,使用PLINK或PRSice-2)获得的P值阈值范围相对应的PRS结果可视化:

# generate a pretty format for p-value output
prs.result$print.p <- round(prs.result$P, digits = 3)
prs.result$print.p[!is.na(prs.result$print.p) &
                       prs.result$print.p == 0] <-
    format(prs.result$P[!is.na(prs.result$print.p) &
                            prs.result$print.p == 0], digits = 2)
prs.result$print.p <- sub("e", "*x*10^", prs.result$print.p)
# Initialize ggplot, requiring the threshold as the x-axis (use factor so that it is uniformly distributed)
ggplot(data = prs.result, aes(x = factor(Threshold), y = R2)) +
    # Specify that we want to print p-value on top of the bars
        aes(label = paste(print.p)),
        vjust = -1.5,
        hjust = 0,
        angle = 45,
        cex = 4,
        parse = T
    )  +
    # Specify the range of the plot, *1.25 to provide enough space for the p-values
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, max(prs.result$R2) * 1.25)) +
    # Specify the axis labels
    xlab(expression(italic(P) - value ~ threshold ~ (italic(P)[T]))) +
    ylab(expression(paste("PRS model fit:  ", R ^ 2))) +
    # Draw a bar plot
    geom_bar(aes(fill = -log10(P)), stat = "identity") +
    # Specify the colors
        low = "dodgerblue",
        high = "firebrick",
        mid = "dodgerblue",
        midpoint = 1e-4,
        name = bquote(atop(-log[10] ~ model, italic(P) - value),)
    ) +
    # Some beautification of the plot
    theme_classic() + theme(
        axis.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 18),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size =
        legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust =
# save the plot
ggsave("EUR.height.bar.png", height = 7, width = 7)
Example Bar Plot

An example bar plot generated using ggplot2

In addition, we can visualise the relationship between the "best-fit" PRS (which may have been obtained from any of the PRS programs) and the phenotype of interest, coloured according to sex:

Without ggplot2
# Read in the files
prs <- read.table("EUR.0.2.profile", header=T)
height <- read.table("EUR.height", header=T)
sex <- read.table("EUR.covariate", header=T)
# Rename the sex
sex$Sex <- as.factor(sex$Sex)
levels(sex$Sex) <- c("Male", "Female")
# Merge the files
dat <- merge(merge(prs, height), sex)
# Start plotting
plot(x=dat$SCORE, y=dat$Height, col="white",
    xlab="Polygenic Score", ylab="Height")
with(subset(dat, Sex=="Male"), points(x=SCORE, y=Height, col="red"))
with(subset(dat, Sex=="Female"), points(x=SCORE, y=Height, col="blue"))


此外,我们可以可视化“最适合的” PRS(可能已从任何PRS程序获得)与感兴趣的表型之间的关系,并根据性别进行了着色:

# Read in the files
prs <- read.table("EUR.0.2.profile", header=T)
height <- read.table("EUR.height", header=T)
sex <- read.table("EUR.covariate", header=T)
# Rename the sex
sex$Sex <- as.factor(sex$Sex)
levels(sex$Sex) <- c("Male", "Female")
# Merge the files
dat <- merge(merge(prs, height), sex)
# Start plotting
ggplot(dat, aes(x=SCORE, y=Height, color=Sex))+
    labs(x="Polygenic Score", y="Height")



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